Tams Elektronik Power-Splitter Item 40-20107-01, Dim.: 118 x 122 x 47mm, ready device in a case, the Power-Splitter divides the current of a booster into several track sections, it is connected between the track output of the booster (or control center with booster) and the tracks, only monitors the current in the sections, does not intervene in the control of the booster and can basically can be used with all booster types, the booster current is divided into two or three booster sections with a maximum of 3A respectively 2A and set with jumpers, optional connections are DCC-compliant short-circuit feedback line with D+E and an external emergency stop button, further setting options via main track programming (POM), e.g. separate switching on/off of the two or three booster sections with DCC turnouts setting commands or reaction times, status display of the track outputs with LEDs, voltage supply via the connected booster, output voltage same as output voltage of the booster, supplied with pluggable connection terminals, socket strips, shorts final bridges (jumpers) and plastic brackets.
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above 600.00 €
5 %
This product is manufactured and marketed by: Tams Elektronik GmbH, Fuhrberger Str. 4, 30625 Hannover, Deutschland, Tel. +49 511 506060, eMail: info@tams-online.de . Trade name = trademark = TAMS Elektronik. The identification marking (e.g. article name, possibly also article number) is given in the title and in the description. Every operating manual in German (I only offer this article for delivery within Germany) can be downloaded free of charge from the manufacturer's website, but is included in paper form for technically more complex articles. The operating manual contains warnings and safety information if required for the article.